<script type='text/javascript'>_ajaxConfig = {'_cfscriptLocation':'ajaxFacade.cfc', '_jsscriptFolder':'../js'};</script> <script type='text/javascript' src='../js/ajax.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='../js/popup/popup.js'></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function getContent(win) { // send request to CF DWREngine._execute(_ajaxConfig._cfscriptLocation, null, 'getContent', win, getContentResult); } // call back function function getContentResult (r) { // all content and commands are sent from the server. eval(r); } </script> <fieldset> <legend>ajaxCFC server side JavaScript and content</legend> <input type="button" onclick="getContent('window1');" value="open window 1"> <input type="button" onclick="getContent('window2');" value="open window 2"> <input type="button" onclick="getContent('window3');" value="open window 3"> </fieldset>
<cfcomponent extends="ajax"> <cffunction name="getContent" output="no" access="private"> <cfargument name="windowID" required="Yes" type="string"> <cfset var returnScript = "" /> <cfswitch expression="#arguments.windowID#"> <cfcase value="window1"> <cfsavecontent variable="returnScript">new popUp(10, 100, 250, 150, "<cfoutput>#CreateUUID()#</cfoutput>", "Each of these popup windows can have very different settings. For instance, this window cannot be dragged or resized, but the others can. Take a look at the various colors and fonts used in each one. Read below for the features and instructions.", "white", "#00385c", "16pt serif", "Div1", "#00385c", "white", "lightgrey", "#00568c", "black", true, false, false, true, false, false,'','','img/cir_close.gif','img/resize.gif');</cfsavecontent> </cfcase> <cfcase value="window2"> <cfsavecontent variable="returnScript">new popUp(200, 120, 370, 175, "<cfoutput>#CreateUUID()#</cfoutput>", "OK, so these things are pretty neat, but of course they <b>do</b> have a few limitations.<br><br><ol><li>These only work in IE5+ and NS6+. In NS4.x and IE4.x, the script will just open a regular window with most of the settings you specified.<br><br><li>Technically, there are no limits to the number of windows on a page, but the browser may get sluggish if there are too many, so use judgement.<br><br><li>The minimum width allowed is 100 pixels and the minimum height allowed is 80 pixels. Any attempt to go smaller will be ignored. Any titlebar text that exceeds the allotted width will be chopped to fit.</ol><br>", "#00385c", "lightgrey", "9pt sans-serif", "Div2", "#0084d8", "lightgrey", "gray", "#00468c", "black", true, true, true, true, false, false,'img/min.gif','img/max.gif','img/close.gif','img/resize.gif');</cfsavecontent> </cfcase> <cfcase value="window3"> <cfsavecontent variable="returnScript">new popUp(450, 140, 300, 200, "<cfoutput>#CreateUUID()#</cfoutput>", "test_1.html", "white", "#00385c", "16pt serif", "Div3 (External HTML Page)", "#00385c", "white", "lightgrey", "#00568c", "black", true, true, true, true, true, false,'img/ar_min.gif','img/ar_max.gif','img/ar_close.gif','img/resize.gif');</cfsavecontent> </cfcase> </cfswitch> <cfreturn returnScript /> </cffunction> </cfcomponent>