Rob Gonda's Blog

cfcUnit 1.2 beta 1 now with Ant

After a long wait, Paul announced the beta release of cfcUnit 1.2, which now finally includes Ant support. cfcUnit allows you to perform tests on very specific functionality of your components (units), and now they can be funny automated with your builds by being invoked by Ant right from within Eclipse. I know Paul has been working on this for a long time under Sean's pressure, so you know this code must be good. You can get the latest release at sourceforge.

CFEclipse 1.3 Released

Good news: CFEclipse 1.3 is out; thanks Mark! It is one of the many Eclipse plugins I use daily, and by far the best tool to write ColdFusion code. 

CFEclipse 1.2

 CFEclipse 1.2 has been released. It includes all the CFMX7 tags now! Those of you running the nightly builds already had them… Hopefully after Macromedia joins the game we’ll see a version with remote FTP access or RDS; this is the one determining factor that impedes me of using it.


So, next step after installing SVN is trying it with eclipse running cfeclipse and subeclipse. Installed all of them is it works. Now, there is a problem… the stable version of cfeclipse does not support any cfmx7 tags. I dropped Rob Rohan (cfeclipse founder) an email and he claims that the current nightly build it stable enough to install and supports most if not all of cfmx7 tags. So I installed the latest nightly build and thus far no bleed or problems, and indeed most of the tags are there.

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