Any good CFers in LA?
Do I have a job for you, must work FT on site. Leave a comment.
Do I have a job for you, must work FT on site. Leave a comment.
Railo introduced yesterday the cluster scope. In a nutshell, you can register all servers in a cluster and Railo will automatically sync the scope across all nodes. The caveat at the moment is that it only supports simple types (simple values, arrays, structs, queries), but not CFCs and Java Objects.
As previously announced, ColdBox is in the midst of a transition from an Open Source Software project to a Professional Open Source Software project. It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce yet another step in this transition: a new strategic partnership between Ortus Solutions, Corp and Rachel Queen Services Group, LLC, which will oversee ColdBox Platform Official Training Seminars and curriculum development.
ColdBox Platform Official Training Seminars will provide 16+ hours of intense, hands-on training featuring:
The first ColdBox Platform Official Training Seminar set to cover Introduction to ColdBox and ColdBox Platform Development will be held in Dallas, Texas, and is tentatively scheduled for October 11-12, 2008. To reserve your seat and/or seats for your development team, please contact us at Please be sure to let us know how many seats you would like to reserve, as seats are limited!
NOTE: We are in the process of locking in the Dallas venue and price schedule. As soon as these details are finalized we will make a formal announcement on official location, traveling arrangements, official schedule, individual pricing and curriculum.How can help me with this? My home page was throwing some "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : Java heap space" errors and I traced it down to a getPageContext().forward("/blog")...
It turns out that after I switched it per a <cflocation url = "/blog"> the error went away.
I also used the CF8 built-in monitor and confirmed that my jrun never ran out of memory; I've always had at least 100-200mb of available JVM memory ...
So, is it so wrong to use server-side relocation? I've been using it for years and never ran into this problem...
Can anyone shed some light?
I will be speaking at the New York ColdFusion User Group this Wednesday, April 16, with the topic of "AJAXify Your ColdFusion Applications". I promise it will be fun, a good learning experience, and perhaps we may even go out afterwards and have some drinks.
There will be tons of nice give-aways:
1 x Ticket to CFUNITED ($999 Value!)
2 x jQuery Reference Guide
2 x Learning jQuery: Better Interaction Design and Web Development with Simple JavaScript Techniques
2 x Tickets to Flex Camp Wall Street
1 x FusionDebug License....
They're all excellent... I love jQuery and CFUnited is the most popular CF event of the year .... hope to see many familiar faces, so don't miss it.
Dan Vega has been working on ColdFusion custom tag wrappers for EXT, and let me tell you, it looks pretty amazing.
Ext is an EXTremely powerful JavaScript library which I mostly use to develop RIA and heavy desktop-like applications. However, CF8 ships with YUI and EXT for all dhtml and Ajax behind the scenes, so you see where this is going ... There's no easy way to upgrade the Ext version shipped with CF8, and Ext 2.0 has so many more features and improvements...
So check out Dan's cfext at RiaForge or some examples on his blog: forms, layouts, ...
This year's CFUnited is going to be great again... they added more tracks and consolidated the frameworks conference into it.
I want to publicly congratulate two of my very talented friends, which I have seen grow the last couple of years and I'm proud to speak with them at CFUnited this year. Luis Majano, author of ColdBox, will be presenting ColdBox 101; and Tom de Manincor, who I have the pleasure to work with at ichameleon/group/, will be presenting on leveraging databases.
I will be speaking at CFUnited Europe: Embrace Factories and ColdFusion Powered Ajax; as well as the traditional conference in D.C: RIA Security and Real time data manipulation with SQL.
Hope to see you all there.
Updated 02/2008: I will no longer be speaking at CFUnited after the date change. Unfortunately, it conflicted with another conference. I will miss you all.
Amazing news for the residents of New York: two of my good friends and phenomenal talented friends are taking over the NYCFUG. Ben Nadel and Clark Valberg are replacing Judith and Michael Dinowitz who after ten years fairly deserve a break.
Congratulations New York. Read more about it at Ben's blog.