Flex 2 + CF 7.01 + CF Adapter
Ben Forta posted a great exemple of Flex 2 + CF 7.01 + CF Adapter.
Flex 2 is going to be extremely powerful.
Check it out here.
Ben Forta posted a great exemple of Flex 2 + CF 7.01 + CF Adapter.
Flex 2 is going to be extremely powerful.
Check it out here.
New information on Flex 2, Flex Builder 2 (Zorn), Flash Player 8.5, and Action Script 3.0 is available.
I just started posting articles at the CFDJ. I'll be linking those articles here each time they come out.
Check out this introduction to AJAX. I explain step by step how to set it up.
So, next step after installing SVN is trying it with eclipse running cfeclipse and subeclipse. Installed all of them is it works. Now, there is a problem… the stable version of cfeclipse does not support any cfmx7 tags. I dropped Rob Rohan (cfeclipse founder) an email and he claims that the current nightly build it stable enough to install and supports most if not all of cfmx7 tags. So I installed the latest nightly build and thus far no bleed or problems, and indeed most of the tags are there.
Fusebox, Mach-II, or Model-Glue? Which is the best framework for developing ColdFusion applications?. To help you reach a decision, I suggest you take a look at Sean Corfield’s feature comparison matrix where he writes about the pros and cons of each of the three frameworks. You can also download sample applications in all three frameworks from here.
If for some reason the URL above doesn't work, you can access Corfield's matrix in this excel file.
Just thought I’ll spread the ColdFusion spirit across the community.
Get your CF t-shirt here.
So, we’re been talking about CF frameworks lately and are still debating which one is better. I found this article over the weekend by Sean Corfield where he compares seven different code styles and provides the same app in all seven of them. … I expect more to be said after CFUnited which takes place from June 29th to July 1st.
This weekend I found a couple of blogs arguing whether Mach II is dead or not; Some people claim that it has/will be replaced with Model-Glue, and then I found this article written by Joe Rinehart, creator of Model-Glue actually defending Mach II and explaining some differences.
I’d like to thank Ray for allowing us to use its blog software for free. This allows more and more ColdFusion people to share with the community.
Find the link for the source code for this blog here.