Rob Gonda's Blog

ColdBox Nightly Builds, courtesy of ANT

ColdBox nightly builds are now available at

It was easily accomplished using ANT, not sure why we didn't do this before.


ColdBox Beta 2: Flex/AIR Integration comments

When I first read Luis's entry on ColdBox Beta 2: Flex/AIR Integration this is pretty much that immediately went through my head ...

Gotta be honest: at first I didn't buy into it... You have to be careful on separating your logical layers... if ColdBox is a front-controller, why would a Rich Front End talk to it? It should talk to your Service Layer... and your Service Layer doesn't need ColdBox ...

However, after talking to Luis I discovered, what if, what if you make ColdBox become your enhanced service layer manager? What if your ColdBox Handlers become part of your Service Layer API? What do we have? We have a Service Layer with built-in environmental settings, logging, error handling, event interception and chaining, you name it ... Now it all makes sense...

This is good; real good ... perhaps you'll see a full 60 or 90 minutes presentation on this at CFUnited or CF.Objective() 2008.

Keep it up.

CFUnited 2008 Call For Speakers Ends Tomorrow

That's right. If you're planning to speak at CFUnited 2008, tomorrow is your deadline. If you don't plan to speak, you can still suggest topics or speakers.

I just submitted a few topics, including but not limited to advanced framework development, enhanced service layers for ria's, ria's data security, db real time data manipulation, some facebook secrets, and more ...

See you at CFUN08.

ErrorDetail I/O Exception: peer not authenticated

If you ever see the following error when performing a cfhttp call:

ErrorDetail I/O Exception: peer not authenticated
Filecontent Connection Failure
Mimetype Unable to determine MIME type of file.
Statuscode Connection Failure. Status code unavailable.

It means that ColdFusion is trying to connect to a secure socket layer, but unfortunately, it can't.

So here's the situation, we launched a huge campaign and everything worked on the local environment. There's this one piece where Flash had to connect to a 3rd party's API and post some data using sendAndLoad. The 3rd party has a /crossdomain.xml allowing remote calls, therefore that will not be the problem when it breaks... Amazingly, everything worked from the IDE, but not when published... Still can't figure it out, but we're already late and I need a solution ... I know Flash can connect to my ColdFusion back-end, so I choose to write a proxy ... really simple, loop over every item in the form scope and create a cfhttpparam for it... I write it and deploy in about 3 minutes. It does not work!

Why? cfhttp cannot connect to the 3rd party ... I notice that they're using a 256bit encryption, which I cannot recall, but I might have read somewhere that it won't work with cfhttp. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I had no time to research ... The point is, cfhttp will not connect to that server.

When I google'd the error, thankfully, the first result was from my respected friend Steven Erat. It's a 3-year-old entry showing how to import a certificate to ColdFusion MX, but it still applies.

I followed step by step his instructions, and 10 minutes later my ColdFusion server was connecting to the 3rd party, effectively proxying the Flash RPC call.

Next step now is to find out why I could not connect directly, but my client and I can sleep tonight.

Thanks Steven.

ColdBox 2.5.0 Beta 1 is now available!!

ColdBox 2.5 Beta 1 is out with tons of new goodness:

  • Application.cfc support
  • OnSessionStart/End support
  • Interceptors
  • Request Context Decorators
  • Request Context Persistence for NextEvent
  • White Space Control
  • Unit Tests Updates
  • Much more...
Check out Luis's announcement for more detail.

Ext 2.0 Beta 1

People, listen up ... Ext 2.0 Beta 1 was released today ... for those of you still not familiar with Ext, it is what powers the ColdFusion 8 Ajax UI: Windows, Menus, Grids, Trees, etc. With the 2.0 release you have an amazing power to build desktop-like apps on the Web .. Start Menu, Desktop Icons, Task Bar, Windows, ... you really have to check it out. It blew my mind .... Where to go from here?

ColdFusion is not dead (or even dying)

It's not dead (or even dying), it's just...
Not dead, just ... stealthy
Not dead, just ... getting the AJAX treatment
Not dead, just ... in an upgrade cycle

Read more at a new ComputerWorld rectifying story.

Rob - - > Max

Leaving to Max. My session will be ...... >take a guess< ............ ColdFusion Powered Ajax, where I will demonstrate ColdFusion MX8's capabilities, but also talk about the engine powering it -- YUI, EXT --, provide examples on how to tweak it, improve performance, and show some amazing examples of Ext 2.0, which has not been confirmed to be part of a future release of ColdFusion, but we can only hope.

CFML Reference Docs for the iPod

Randy Nielsen posted a zip file and instructions to get the entire ColdFusion MX8 CFMX reference for your ipod. I'm really not sure how much I am personally going to use this, since every time I develop I'm actually online and I can check the references at the site, but it's still pretty cool.

Windows XP / Apache / CF7 & CF8 side by side

Most ColdFusion people run their development environment using Windows XP and Apache, since IIS for XP allows a single site -- IIS for Vista allows multiple sites btw. I personally run VMWare and I have separate vms for cf7 and cf8, but if you're one of those who already has everything set up and want/need to run cf7 and cf8 side by side, check out Tom's article explaining step by step how to get it done.

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