Rob Gonda's Blog

SWFObject: Javascript Flash Player detection and embed script

Due to legal and trademark issues, the formerly known JavaScript FlashOject has been renamed to SWFObject... The author said he doesn't really like this name, but he wanted to keep the 'object' part in the name.

There's a new link for the project page, so update your bookmarks.

By that way, if I didn't mention this before in previous posts, using the FlashObject or SWFObject helps to overcome the lame M$ decision in blocking all activeX content, including SWF Movies. Even if you don't use the express install features, the fact alone the it helps with SEO'ness and is not affected by M$'s latest change in IE security policies, is worth trying.

Ajax toolkits and frameworks links

Max Kiesler gathered information on 50 Ajax toolkits and frameworks and the post if getting lots of attention lately ... I know because ajaxCFC happens to be the first framework he lists and I'm getting numerous hits through his site.

My only complaint is the font size he uses, hehe, I'm looking at it in my 27' flat screen and it's HUGE! Anyways, I digress... In the same token, check out the Osaf Ajax libraries wiki page... it's not new, but contributors have done a great job pointing pros and cons of many of today's leading Ajax frameworks.

Subclipse 1.0.0 is out!

That's right ... I use Tortoise SVN for Windows, and Subeclipse for my eclipse development... Version 1.0.0 was released today and it cannot be installed through the automated update, you need to install it manually.

More information can be found @ the subeclipse _press_ release.

Outlook team / calendar sharing tool

so today I got inspired to ask questions ... What would be a good tool to share outlook calendars within an office, or for co-workers. I will not use exchange, so don't even go that route. It can be peer or peer or require a server (other than exchange!) ... does anyone have a nice working environment that would achieve this?

RSS Readers

Had I had decent stats in my blog, I wouldn't have to ask these questions, hehe ... what RSS readers are you using? Web based, software based? I tried a few.. I was using Sage RSS for Firefox for a while, but it wasn't portable enough ... then I tried like 10 different software based, and the one I like the most is SharpReader ... it's simple and non-intrusive... I don't like the web based one as much. SharpReader allows to export and import OPML files, and it allows for unlimited levels to categorize your feeds, feature that although I assumed basic, 9/10 programs I tried did not offer.
You can comment on aggregators for Mac too, though I don't use one, other users may find it informative.
What rss reader do you use? why?

p.s. not about stats ... I use google analytics, but that will cover rss feeds. I have available nettracker, but I haven't had time to set it up.

Best spyware detector / cleaner?

Which is the best spyware detector or cleaner? I use a few, but to be honest each finds stuff that others don't ... it's almost hard to have just one.

First, not a cleaner, but to prevent spyware, spyware blaster is a must. I won't access arguments here :)
Next, I like Adaware... just adaware pro, not the plugins... it usually do a good job.
I used to use SpyBot ... but it stopped being effective for me.
Last but not least, my latest discovery ... XoftSpy ... it removed to spywares from a friend's PC that not all of the above together could.

what do you use?

ooooh nt security

wow, this I've never seen before ... a co-worker was backing up a SQL 2005 database, and somehow, he handle to delete all NTFS permissions in the mdf file... needless to say SQL couldn't open the database.

I logged in into the system and realize that is only had the SYSTEM account, so it even denied me access as an Administrator. When I tried to add permissions for the Administrators group, it said access denied, and let me choose Cancel, Retry, or Ignore ...

Solution: as weird as it sounds, if you choose ignore it will add the permissions regardless... then all you have to do is reboot and the NTFS will use the new permissions when it comes back ... amazing how M$ Windows works...

my dream came true: RDS for Eclipse

yes, that's right! RDS support for Eclipse was released.... finally. They've been talking about it for a while, but no it's official... I can finally get rid of homesite.
Thus far I've been using both, because sometime I do need RDS support... right, I shouldnt be using it for production, and I can setup ftp, yara iara yara... I like RDS because it's way faster than ftp.

Web 2.0 on the desktop

NetJaxer is the first initiative I've seen to take Web 2.0 to the next level. It allows you to integrate your favorite Web 2.0 pages, such as gmail, writely, TadaList, Digg, etc... directly into your desktop. They use their own browser, which is fully Ajax compatible (so they say :).

Netjaxer is an easy way to integrate your favorite web apps into Windows. Create a desktop or quick launch icon. Load any web page when Windows starts and run it as a tray icon.

It will interesting to see what they come up with to make this more than a shortcut to a web site... mashups, gmail - tadalist with outlook could be one ...

Web Prototyping Ajax support

For those of you who are organized and have time to prototype your web application before building it, I have great news. Software Solutions has announced the release of Axure RP Pro 4, the latest version of its popular web application prototyping tool. Axure RP Pro 4 is the first modeling tool on the market to allow easy prototyping of AJAX or other Rich Internet Applications (RIA). RIAs can deliver a much more interactive and engaging user experience and are quickly becoming the standard for next generation web applications.

iChameleon Group has been using Axure for a while to diagram site flow, user interation, and form fields before we start developing. After we build a full prototype we get the client's approval, and only then it goes into production. This has been great, but every time we needed Ajax calls we would write notes in the page without being able to represent it visually... the new release makes it a little easier.

Check out a full article on the new release here, or go directly to the official site for demos and more info.

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