Rob Gonda's Blog

modified ping component for blogCFC

I took the liberty to completely rewrite blocCFC's ping component. I wrote a generic XML-RPC function, that takes pings and extended rpc pings, added a few more aggregators, and modified the timeout for the responses because they are not really important...

I tested every single aggregator and they all work except ... but I left it in there because I think it may be temporary. You can ping now @technorati, @weblogs, @icerocket, @blogdigger, @yahoo, and @moreover

I also couldn't get feedster going ... you're supposed to ping, but it seems that the page has been moved or something; I’d appreciate if someone could provide any information on feedster.

I attached the modified ping.cfc to this post. I sent Ray the update, and thus far, he has been great by adding them to new releases.

Thanks again Ray!

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