Rob Gonda's Blog

Bye bye cfajax- hello ajaxCFC

After dealing with cfajax I decided to write my own AJAX component. Don’t get me wrong, I like cfajax and it worked great for a while. I even wrote two articles about CF+AJAX, but I wanted something better (article 1, article 2)

CFAJAX has some neat features like using hints to automate some processes, but unfortunately, they’re useless to me.

ajaxCFC is component based and extremely easy to expand. It also automatically and painlessly maps all JS strings, arrays, or objects to ColdFusion so there is no need for wddx or json.

ajaxCFC permits both asynchronous (default) or synchronous modes. Many may argue that it defeats the purpose, but I will post some examples soon that show how useful and necessary is to send synchronous packets.

You can download the framework and some examples through the projects page. Documentation will come soon.

As usual, comments are welcomed.

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