Rob Gonda's Blog

Flash Tracer Extension: see what's inside

I just found a Firefox Extension that allows you to see the Flash traces from within your browser. This is the best extension I've installed in a while.

Flash allows you to trace text, kind of like a print line, cfoutput, writeline, you name it... it just outputs to a debugging window in the Flash IDE... the problem is, once you export it and run it into an html page, you can't get those traces anymore...

To overcome this problem, we created a tracing class that detects if you're running the swf from the Flash IDE or through a browser and either uses regular trace methods or uses a custom trace_lc() -- trace local connection -- method. The local connection method connects to a standalone swf we use as the debugging output window. This method will connect the swf movie in the browser with our standalone swf, allowing us to see all the debugging strings.

No more! Developers can install a Flash debug player version, which is really just some extended version of the regular plugin. Then you can install this Firefox extension to see all traces right there in your browser. You do not have to export the movies as Flash 9, all you need is the player and the extension. Can't say how useful this is.

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Flash Tracer Extension: ????????? ??? ??????
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Tracked by | Tracked on 10/6/06 4:21 AM

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