Rob Gonda's Blog

2.5h Ajax Presentation Marathon

Check out my 2h 17mins Ajax presentation recording. I presented Ajax in various flavors to the Scottish CFUG last week and I promised to post the slides and files.

You may check out the Adobe Connect Presentation, download the slides, and download the source code. Code includes examples for ajaxcfc, dojo, jquery, prototype, spry, and well as hand-coded XmlHttpRequest objects. AjaxCFC examples also include some using the Model-Glue and MachII frameworks, not included with this download.
Everything should run w/o any setup, there is no database, the only requirement if you run the Model-Glue and MachII examples is to drop this exact structure in your webroot, or create a mapping called CFUnited. Most of the examples are covered in the Connect Presentation.

Quick note re: jQuery. One of the examples I posted is using the $.post() function, which has been deprecated in the lastest 1.0.4 release that came out yesterday in favor of the $.ajax() function. I will update the examples shortly and update the same link.


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