Rob Gonda's Blog

Ajax Seminars multiplying like viruses

SYS-CON Events ( announced today the speaker line-up for the upcoming "Real-World AJAX" ( one-day seminars, added new venues; April 24, 2006 San Jose, CA; June 5-6, 2006, New York City; and October 2-3, 2006, Santa Clara, CA. SYS-CON will announce four more dates in March for Toronto, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Austin, Texas.

The March 13, New York, and April 24, San Jose events are exclusively sponsored by the world's leading AJAX technology providers: Adobe, telerik, Backbase, Tibco/Perficient, and Microsoft. The sponsorship opportunities for the upcoming seminars will be made available on March 13, 2006 during the New York City event.

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