Rob Gonda's Blog

ColdFusion, sql, and time zones

so I was researching globalization the other day, more specifically, timezones.... and let tell you something, it gets complicated. All this different timezones, day time saving, more savings are 1h, some are 2h, countries change from DTS to not in different dates... It seems like one of the best ways is to use the timeZone classes built-in the JVM. BTW, I found that some of the provided info is wrong and I reported it to Sun.

I actually wanted to find a solution built in SQL because I'd like to be able to query for specific times for different user profiles without having to update them to UTC every so often ... does anyone have any better solution?

I built a database table with all the different timezones, pointed them to countries, added DST and offset hours... but I'm 100% convinced that it is the best approach. Suggestions?

I found a few good links:

Macromedia Talks about it
Blog dedicated to globalization
CFC providing nice funcionality

P.S. I do not want to rely on external web services.

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