Rob Gonda's Blog

Stop cfmail messages being flagged as spam

This is being an issue for me for a while: it seems like all cfmail emails are being caught as spam. Perhaps not by bldns, but outlook for example.

I found this post a few months ago that I think I should share.

In summary, do the following:

1) Change the cfmail from atrribute to '"#mailoutSender#" <#mailoutSenderEmail#>'
Apparently this makes the sender look more like a real account.

2) Add headers that cfmail doesn't include by default:
•    <cfmailparam name="Message-Id" value="<#createUUID()>">
•    <cfmailparam name="Reply-To" value="#get_mailout.mailoutSenderEmail#">
•    <cfmailparam name="MIME-Version" value="1.0">

For more info, check out the original post.

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i am also not able to cfmail using godaddy... did u guys find a solution???
# Posted By harrybrown | 11/19/08 10:43 PM
I just got it working by changing the default port to 80. You can find my test code that worked below: Make sure to change from,to,username,password,Reply-To to match your values.

   subject="User Registered"
      <cfmailparam name="Message-Id" value="<#createUUID()>">
      <cfmailparam name="Reply-To" value="">
      <cfmailparam name="MIME-Version" value="1.0">

   <H1> Test Email</H1>
# Posted By billfusion | 12/6/08 1:53 PM
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