Rob Gonda's Blog

Google acquires Four Jumping Midgets Inc.

Well, about the biggest thing ever: they've been Googled. That's right, Google Inc. has acquired Four Jumping Midgets Inc.… so you might have just spit your coffee all over your keyboard, or you're rolling your eyes thinking this is another one of my April Fool's jokes. Believe me, they're still having a hard time believing it themselves, but it's real — they are now Google!

Neither can I. As you all know, it's our users who have spread the word and helped build our little idea into what it is today. Jumping Midgets was launched with what Joe refers to as the “Field of Dreams” business plan — build it and they will come. Thank goodness so many of you did! It is a rare and wonderful thing to have a dream, to watch a community develop to support that dream, and to see it eventually take on a life of its own. Users have played a big part in their success, and no one will ever forget that.

This is definitely not the end; this is just the beginning. Stay tuned for the next incredibly exciting chapter. From me personally and from all the midgets here …THANK YOU.

Google has been acquiring like a company a week. This month it was Writely, SketchUp, and Jumping Midgets… I'm working what will they do next? It is an amazing company, completely unpredictable.

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