Rob Gonda's Blog

who is using sIFR?

so I came across this link maybe a year ago, sIFR is rich typography for html pages... the idea is to write your regular xhtml compatible code and then run a JavaScript that will replace it with SWFs using nicer fonts is JS and Flash Player are available. It's a nice idea and I'm planning to play with it ... but how many of you are using it? Can you post links to check them out?

I'd like to integrate this with a CMS system ... so I'll write dynamic content pages with a bunch of dynamic classes, set the iSFR using a small back end admin, and then have it replace the headers of the entire site... doable? I hope so, cuz it looks really good.

I noticed that the install comes with two swfs files... why two? sorry, I haven't even read instructions (as a good tech guy), so I'm assuming it will be fully dynamic and I won't have to open Flash, ever. I should be able to embed a bunch of fonts in the flash files and just specify which one I want to use ... anyways, I'll post my experience using it in a few days... I just wanted to get some comments here.

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