Rob Gonda's Blog

Skype hits 100M subscriber mark

These are amazing numbers... Skype is great (and I don't use it much, hehe) ... but free peer-to-peer VoIP with a 100 million network sounds like a great deal to me.

Skype said Friday that it now has more than 100 million registered users of its free Internet-based calling service, nearly double the number of registered users it had in September 2005.

Skype, which is only two-and-a-half years old, is a peer-to-peer software service that lets people make phone calls from their PCs to other PCs anywhere in the world for free. The service works by turning voice signals into IP packets and sending them directly over the public Internet. Last year, Skype was bought by eBay in a deal valued between $2.5 billion and $4 billion. When the merger was announced in September, Skype had 54 million registered users.


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