I'm back: news news news
It's been almost two weeks since I left ... and there've been great. I spent the first few days at the Ajax Experience... what a show! let me tell you: the best organized show I've talked or assisted. Props to Jay Zimmerman, he did an outstanding job. I spent most of the time there perhaps networking, rather than at the sessions, which I will still be able to catch later in an on-demand webcast. I met great people btw... it had a great attendance.
Changing topics, during my absence, my CFUnited Class sold out... that's right ... if you didn't register yet, I'm sorry... it's too late... Hopefully CFUnited will allow me to post some of the material here, if not, I may disguise some of it ;)
Other news, blogCFC 5.0 is officially out and I'm planning to upgrade soon, maybe this weekend.
CFUnited is blogging too; nothing much going on yet, but stay tooned for important information.
I'm speaking next week at the South Florida CFUG. Topic, more Ajax ... I'll start where I left off in my last session in February.
I'll have a CFLive session in a couple of weeks... briefly showing what I have planned for CFUnited... I hope to see you all there.
That's it for now, more tomorrow.
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