Rob Gonda's Blog

Advanced (real) ColdFusion Contest Announced

Ray just announced a new Advanced ColdFusion Contest... he already ran one, but it involved writing Flex and most developers didn't have time to learn it.

This one involves a custom application to analyze code, with custom rules settings, and pluggable in the CF Admin... Sounds interesting and could involve nice RegEx's, optionally the use of CF Async Gateways? Could be nice for large amounts of data... The deadline is at the end of July, which gives you 7 weeks, or gives me 3 weeks since I won't breathe until next months anyways.

There will be prizes, thus far a copy of Fusion Reactor 2, a copy of KTML, and more to come. I could contribute with a copy of intelliJ if there is interest. or how about a job @ iChameleon?

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