Dojo 0.3.0 Now Available
Dojo 0.3.0 was released with many new features. Dojo must be the best JavaScript library, it really makes me think if I should rewrite some ColdFusion components to generate Dojo widgets and Ajax binding ... sounds like a great project too me, if you're interested drop me an email.
At the Ajax Experience, Alex demonstrated a new use of the Flash Platform with Ajax: storage! Flash has be ability of storing large amount of data local objects, which is something like a Flash Cookie. By default you can store 300k of persistent data, up to 500k. Dojo makes use of this storage transparently by using a 1px flash component ... really neat.
The latest release of Dojo has a slew of new features, including:
- Less boilerplate when writing widgets
- A new lightweight animation system that makes using and building animations dead simple
- Tested, high-performance local storage engine
- Cross-domain Ajax support and cross-domain package loading
- The ability to bundle CSS as well as HTML in profile builds
- Better performance
- New widgets:
- SortableTable
- TitlePane
- Form validation
- Menus and menu bars
- Google and Yahoo maps
- And more than a hundred other bug fixes and improvements.
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