little tip for model-glue: unity
If you're developing in Model-Glue:Unity, you may already know that you are working with ColdSpring and Reactor. ColdSpring may seem obvious because you set up all Model-Glue's properties with ColdSpring; as the matter of fact, Model-Glue is a ColdSpring application.
However, Model-Glue also ties to Reactor, which you may decide to use or not. A little performance tip is to set Reactor to production mode if you're not using it, because whether you use it or not, it will take up resources.
To chance it to production mode open ColdSpring.xml, find the reactorConfiguration bean, and modify the mode to <property name="mode"><value>production</value></property>
I am still not sure exactly why it would make such a difference, but in the project I'm currently working, which does not use Reactor at all, it improved the load time from 700ms to 100ms, having Model-Glue set to always reload.
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