Rob Gonda's Blog

my spry requests

I know, to those who know me this is kind of a weird post... I haven't been much of a spry follower but I chose to give it a second try and these are my two cents:

  • Spry is great for dynamic data with static layouts
  • You can get more control over the raw data using Spry.Utils.loadURL and request.xhRequest.responseText
  • xml is heavy, but Adobe will probably add JSON support very soon
  • I haven't stress-tested it yet, so I wonder if Adobe is aware of some of the IE flaws -- fires requests randomly
And a few requests
  • Distribute a source and a compressed version. Libraries like this should be jsmin'd in every production environment and not everyone knows this... so just make it easier.
  • Modularize it and allow us to load only what we need, at least provide the source in separate files so I can merge them and jsmin it myself with only what I need... provide bootstrapping, engine, utils, logging, effects, all in different files... If I'm only using the engine, which should weight close to 30k I don't want to load 200k.

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