Spreadsheet Dojo Widget
Marius Hanganu released a Spreadsheet Widget written in Dojo... it is pretty impressive, and pretty heavy at the same time. Dojo is incredibly powerful, but this widget max'ed out my CPU for about 30 seconds... not so impressive. You can view the demo here. If your browser does not respond just have patience... I know, I know, but it's still in beta, has some bugs, and hopefully will not have these performance issues once it hits 1.0.
Here's a list of features from the author's site.
- Based on Toolbar and TabContainer widgets
- Keyboard cell navigation
- Column, row resizing
- Cell, column and row selection
- Cell formatting (font, font size, bold, italic, underline, color, background color)
- Sheet management (rename, delete, new)
- Functions (22 math functions, 6 string functions)
- This widget is definitely not final and has several bugs
- Tested with Firefox and IE only
- On IE runs slower than Firefox
- If it would be released as an independent piece of software it would be labelled as 0.7 version
Goals for "1.0" version:
- Fix all remaining bugs related to column, row resizing and selection
- Support cell presentation format (dates could be displayed as mm-dd-yyyy, numbers as xx.xx, etc)
- Support for date functions
- Post spreadsheet data in JSON format to be saved serverside
- Improve validation
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