Rob Gonda's Blog

jQuery 1.1 alpha released today

jQuery v1.1 alpha was just released. Among the major changes, you would find that

  • Its selectors are 10-20x faster than those in jQuery 1.0.4.
  • The documentation has been completely revamped.
  • The complexity of the API has dropped by 47%.
  • It has a ton of bug fixes.
  • It has a bunch of great new features.

The following methods have been renamed/reorganized in this version, here is how you can continue to use them, as you would expect:

Old Way (1.0.x) New Way (1.1)
.ancestors() .parents()
.width() .css(”width”)
.height() .css(”height”)
.top() .css(”top”)
.left() .css(”left”)
.position() .css(”position”)
.float() .css(”float”)
.overflow() .css(”overflow”)
.color() .css(”color”)
.background() .css(”background”)
.id() .attr(”id”)
.title() .attr(”title”)
.name() .attr(”name”)
.href() .attr(”href”)
.src() .attr(”src”)
.rel() .attr(”rel”)
.oneblur(fn) .one(”blur”,fn)
.onefocus(fn) .one(”focus”,fn)
.oneload(fn) .one(”load”,fn)
.oneresize(fn) .one(”resize”,fn)
.onescroll(fn) .one(”scroll”,fn)
.oneunload(fn) .one(”unload”,fn)
.oneclick(fn) .one(”click”,fn)
.onedblclick(fn) .one(”dblclick”,fn)
.onemousedown(fn) .one(”mousedown”,fn)
.onemouseup(fn) .one(”mouseup”,fn)
.onemousemove(fn) .one(”mousemove”,fn)
.onemouseover(fn) .one(”mouseover”,fn)
.onemouseout(fn) .one(”mouseout”,fn)
.onechange(fn) .one(”change”,fn)
.onereset(fn) .one(”reset”,fn)
.oneselect(fn) .one(”select”,fn)
.onesubmit(fn) .one(”submit”,fn)
.onekeydown(fn) .one(”keydown”,fn)
.onekeypress(fn) .one(”keypress”,fn)
.onekeyup(fn) .one(”keyup”,fn)
.oneerror(fn) .one(”error”,fn)
.unblur(fn) .unbind(”blur”,fn)
.unfocus(fn) .unbind(”focus”,fn)
.unload(fn) .unbind(”load”,fn)
.unresize(fn) .unbind(”resize”,fn)
.unscroll(fn) .unbind(”scroll”,fn)
.ununload(fn) .unbind(”unload”,fn)
.unclick(fn) .unbind(”click”,fn)
.undblclick(fn) .unbind(”dblclick”,fn)
.unmousedown(fn) .unbind(”mousedown”,fn)
.unmouseup(fn) .unbind(”mouseup”,fn)
.unmousemove(fn) .unbind(”mousemove”,fn)
.unmouseover(fn) .unbind(”mouseover”,fn)
.unmouseout(fn) .unbind(”mouseout”,fn)
.unchange(fn) .unbind(”change”,fn)
.unreset(fn) .unbind(”reset”,fn)
.unselect(fn) .unbind(”select”,fn)
.unsubmit(fn) .unbind(”submit”,fn)
.unkeydown(fn) .unbind(”keydown”,fn)
.unkeypress(fn) .unbind(”keypress”,fn)
.unkeyup(fn) .unbind(”keyup”,fn)
.unerror(fn) .unbind(”error”,fn)

However, before you get too alarmed, I know they will release a 'back-compatibility' plugin, which would help you transition from 1.0.x to 1.1.

I am really excited, benchmarks will come soon, but this release is way faster and supperior, so go ahead, spread the word. I will probably release the beta version of AjaxCFC for jQuery with the official 1.1 release.

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