jQuery 1.1 alpha released today
jQuery v1.1 alpha was just released. Among the major changes, you would find that
- Its selectors are 10-20x faster than those in jQuery 1.0.4.
- The documentation has been completely revamped.
- The complexity of the API has dropped by 47%.
- It has a ton of bug fixes.
- It has a bunch of great new features.
- Download Uncompressed (Testing Only!)
- Please submit new bug reports here: New Bug Report
The following methods have been renamed/reorganized in this version, here is how you can continue to use them, as you would expect:
Old Way (1.0.x) | New Way (1.1) |
.ancestors() | .parents() |
.width() | .css(”width”) |
.height() | .css(”height”) |
.top() | .css(”top”) |
.left() | .css(”left”) |
.position() | .css(”position”) |
.float() | .css(”float”) |
.overflow() | .css(”overflow”) |
.color() | .css(”color”) |
.background() | .css(”background”) |
.id() | .attr(”id”) |
.title() | .attr(”title”) |
.name() | .attr(”name”) |
.href() | .attr(”href”) |
.src() | .attr(”src”) |
.rel() | .attr(”rel”) |
.oneblur(fn) | .one(”blur”,fn) |
.onefocus(fn) | .one(”focus”,fn) |
.oneload(fn) | .one(”load”,fn) |
.oneresize(fn) | .one(”resize”,fn) |
.onescroll(fn) | .one(”scroll”,fn) |
.oneunload(fn) | .one(”unload”,fn) |
.oneclick(fn) | .one(”click”,fn) |
.onedblclick(fn) | .one(”dblclick”,fn) |
.onemousedown(fn) | .one(”mousedown”,fn) |
.onemouseup(fn) | .one(”mouseup”,fn) |
.onemousemove(fn) | .one(”mousemove”,fn) |
.onemouseover(fn) | .one(”mouseover”,fn) |
.onemouseout(fn) | .one(”mouseout”,fn) |
.onechange(fn) | .one(”change”,fn) |
.onereset(fn) | .one(”reset”,fn) |
.oneselect(fn) | .one(”select”,fn) |
.onesubmit(fn) | .one(”submit”,fn) |
.onekeydown(fn) | .one(”keydown”,fn) |
.onekeypress(fn) | .one(”keypress”,fn) |
.onekeyup(fn) | .one(”keyup”,fn) |
.oneerror(fn) | .one(”error”,fn) |
.unblur(fn) | .unbind(”blur”,fn) |
.unfocus(fn) | .unbind(”focus”,fn) |
.unload(fn) | .unbind(”load”,fn) |
.unresize(fn) | .unbind(”resize”,fn) |
.unscroll(fn) | .unbind(”scroll”,fn) |
.ununload(fn) | .unbind(”unload”,fn) |
.unclick(fn) | .unbind(”click”,fn) |
.undblclick(fn) | .unbind(”dblclick”,fn) |
.unmousedown(fn) | .unbind(”mousedown”,fn) |
.unmouseup(fn) | .unbind(”mouseup”,fn) |
.unmousemove(fn) | .unbind(”mousemove”,fn) |
.unmouseover(fn) | .unbind(”mouseover”,fn) |
.unmouseout(fn) | .unbind(”mouseout”,fn) |
.unchange(fn) | .unbind(”change”,fn) |
.unreset(fn) | .unbind(”reset”,fn) |
.unselect(fn) | .unbind(”select”,fn) |
.unsubmit(fn) | .unbind(”submit”,fn) |
.unkeydown(fn) | .unbind(”keydown”,fn) |
.unkeypress(fn) | .unbind(”keypress”,fn) |
.unkeyup(fn) | .unbind(”keyup”,fn) |
.unerror(fn) | .unbind(”error”,fn) |
However, before you get too alarmed, I know they will release a 'back-compatibility' plugin, which would help you transition from 1.0.x to 1.1.
I am really excited, benchmarks will come soon, but this release is way faster and supperior, so go ahead, spread the word. I will probably release the beta version of AjaxCFC for jQuery with the official 1.1 release.
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