Rob Gonda's Blog

Framework Conference highlights

The frameworks conference was great... big applause to Liz and the Teratech team for putting it together. Like in most conferences, I only made it to a selected number of sessions, however, I learned a lot from the speakers at the bar.

The two sessions I enjoyed the most were Hal Helm's Interface Driven Architecture, and Chris Scott's Intro to Aspect Oriented Programming.

The food was great; we had food available from 8am till 6pm ... We had a foosball tournament and the prize was two Flex 2.0 licenses... too bad the tables were even worse than the beat-up one at my office :)

My session was on object factories, providing some history and evolution in CF programming, and examples taking apart Ray Camden's Galleon forums and showing alternative ways to wire dependencies together. Ray assisted my presso and it seems like I could have made a difference; that's great!.

I'll post my slides and code shortly, plus a bonus video or two, showing what speakers really do at these conferences.

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