Rob Gonda's Blog

Papervision3D 1.5 (AS3) Official Release

Papervision3D 1.5 (AS3) Official Release. This version of the engine has seen a 40%+ increase in speed! The API didn’t change a bit, and they added some new features like culling and InteractiveScene3D with Interactive materials.

Here are some of the significant changes:

  1. Optimized main render loop.
  2. Implemented ‘plugable’ face culler - 1 extra available at this time.
  3. Moved rendering from Face3D to materials, adjusted all current materials to override drawFace3D().
  4. New Materials : BitmapWire, BitmapColor, and CompositeMaterial (add multiple materials to this one single material).
  5. Moved all instances to their respective classes…fixed stars, vertices and DisplayObject3D to do so.
  6. Face normals are implemented.
  7. BitmapFileMaterial bug fixed - if used more than once, bitmap was displayed flat within the model’s body.
  8. Added progress events to BitmapFileMaterial and Collada objects
  9. Integrated InteractiveScene3D to 1.5
  10. Added Interactive materials for use with InteractiveScene3D - makes displayObjects that use an interactive material dispatch mouse events via InteractiveSceneManager.
Download Papervision3D 1.5 or sync up the the source control repo.

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