Rob Gonda's Blog

Vista File Copy Blows - Seek Alternative

How many Vista users out there? I know many people don't like it, but I haven't had many problems with it ... I'm running Vista Ultimate on one laptop, and Mac OSX on another.

Anyways, one of my main complaints about Vista is that it tries to estimate the time to copy files prior to even starting the process... we all know that Microsoft cannot estimate that time by any means, so waiting five or ten minutes prior to even starting the process is not a great idea...

What can you do about it? Disable it ... lol, try at least.... The best solution I found that to install this program call Teracopy, a free-ware software that replaces your XP/Vista built-in copying engine to deliver faster results... and it does! In addition it has a couple of additional perks such as pause, resume, and error recovery. This is my new must-have program for Vista users.

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Vista SP1 still has copy problems at my system- teracopy solved it....
# Posted By Herman | 8/17/08 2:00 PM
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