New Faces at CFUnited 2008
This year's CFUnited is going to be great again... they added more tracks and consolidated the frameworks conference into it.
I want to publicly congratulate two of my very talented friends, which I have seen grow the last couple of years and I'm proud to speak with them at CFUnited this year. Luis Majano, author of ColdBox, will be presenting ColdBox 101; and Tom de Manincor, who I have the pleasure to work with at ichameleon/group/, will be presenting on leveraging databases.
I will be speaking at CFUnited Europe: Embrace Factories and ColdFusion Powered Ajax; as well as the traditional conference in D.C: RIA Security and Real time data manipulation with SQL.
Hope to see you all there.
Updated 02/2008: I will no longer be speaking at CFUnited after the date change. Unfortunately, it conflicted with another conference. I will miss you all.