Rob Gonda's Blog

SVN Client for Mac : Cast your vote

Syncro SVN Client
Eclipse + Subclipse / Subversive

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Can I do a write-in? Add ZigVersion. It's the most Mac-like of all of them. Can you say Drag-n-drop?

If not, put me down for Eclipse/FlexBuilder+Subclipse, and SCPlugin coming up on the outside.
# Posted By Brian Panulla | 7/31/08 4:42 PM
@Brian, absolutely, thanks for the info.
# Posted By Rob Gonda | 7/31/08 4:56 PM
What about Versions?
# Posted By John | 7/31/08 5:03 PM
@John, added that too.

So far, one vote for ZigVersion and one for Versions.
# Posted By Rob Gonda | 7/31/08 5:12 PM
I'll cast my lot with Eclipse + Subclipse. While it's not perfect, I love the integration with my IDE.
# Posted By Craig | 7/31/08 5:25 PM
Forgot one, Subversive/Eclipse. With my switch to Eclipse 3.4, I started using Subversive instead of Subclipse since Subversive is now under the Eclipse project umbrella.
# Posted By Mike Henke | 7/31/08 5:46 PM
Versions, definitely. Before Versions was released, I used SCPlugin.
# Posted By Josh Tynjala | 7/31/08 6:09 PM
svn command line interface... but I'm weird like that.
# Posted By Carlos | 7/31/08 6:34 PM
Versions without question. Easily the most friendly interface to SVN ever. Prior, I used SmartSVN and svnX.
# Posted By Lincoln | 7/31/08 6:52 PM
Eclipse + Subclipse wins my vote, but as a standalone SVN client, Versions wins hands down.
# Posted By Jon Clausen | 7/31/08 8:01 PM
# Posted By Shan | 7/31/08 8:18 PM
Eclipse + Subclipse / Subversive

Haven't had the need yet to go outside of Eclipse to deal with an SVN repo.
# Posted By Oscar Arevalo | 7/31/08 9:06 PM
SmartSVN 4 (just released newest version)

Honorable mention Versions (still in beta)
# Posted By Kurt Wiersma | 7/31/08 10:14 PM
Versions hands down.
# Posted By Rey Bango | 8/1/08 12:40 AM
1st: Eclipse / subclipse with mylyn and trac connector (Mylyn is awesome)
2nd: Versions, very handy for visualising the repository.
3rd: Tortoise svn (via Fusion running XP) weird I know but great for conflicts.
# Posted By Doug Cain | 8/1/08 2:51 AM
Versions is good, but not for anyone using Subversion 1.5 because it isn't yet supported and there's some discussion on the mailing list as to what the best practice is when a new version of SVN comes out (for example Tortoise, probably the best client overall but Win only immediately supports new binaries, and Subclipse allows you to use a native adaptor to support whatever binaries you've installed on your Mac or PC). So for now it's subclipse, but really Versions is looking great and I'd love to try SmartSVN next.
# Posted By Richard Leggett | 8/1/08 5:26 AM
Most of the time Terminal and command line svn. Sometimes SmartSVN, especially for deeper look at change logs. And sometimes Subclipse in FlexBuilder too. But about 95% of the time just good old svn command line.
# Posted By Erki Esken | 8/1/08 8:11 AM
Versions! I don't know what to do when my beta expires tomorrow...
# Posted By Gatzby | 8/1/08 9:55 AM
Its subclipse or command line for me. In fact more often than not its just command line.
# Posted By Simeon | 8/1/08 10:31 AM
Definately Versions. From within Eclipse, subclipse.
# Posted By Larry C. Lyons | 8/1/08 1:10 PM
Wow, yeah, Versions is really nice. I never heard of it until everyone started voting for it. It's the most Mac-like experience I've ever had with Subversion. Very nice.

Still use Subclipse within Eclipse of course, but Versions is great for overall repository viewing, and the timeline view is fantastic.
# Posted By Joshua Curtiss | 8/6/08 9:08 AM
Definitely smartsvn as it is the most powerful. If you do a lot of development with multiple people, this is a far better client, though nowhere near as nice looking.
# Posted By osCommerce Consultant | 3/4/09 2:11 PM
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