SWFObject 2.1 now available
`You can download SWFObject 2.1 from the SWFObject 2 home or downloads pages.
SWFObject 2.1 addresses the following issues:
- Memory leaks in Internet Explorer. There were 2 categories of memory leaks: small ones caused by the library’s structure (use of closures) and use of events, and big leakage that was related to dynamic publishing and Adobe’s External Interface (note: also available in SWFObject 1.5)
- Internet Explorer 5.0/5.5 support issues
- Script errors in Internet Explorer in case an object element is removed during a visit
- Alternative content display issues for Safari 3+ with plug-ins disabled
- Removal of isDomLoaded tests from various methods of the public API to enable that dynamically inserted scripts - including bookmarklets - can use these functions
- Dynamic publishing could previously fire multiple instances of Adobe Express Install
- Fixed dynamic publishing reference issues when using a shared param or attributes JavaScript Object
It contains the following enhancements:
- New explicit SWF removal code - especially needed to completely and safely remove a SWF in Internet Explorer - via the new swfobject.removeSWF(idString)
- Shortened Flash version strings can be used, so "9.0.0" can now be written as "9"
- For dynamic publishing now 0, null, false or {} can be used when no flashvars, parameters or attributes have to be defined (previously you could only use false or {})
- Added a filter to the swfobject.getQueryParamValue method to secure the library from XSS attacks (Geoff will publish a more detailed security advisory soon)
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