Rob Gonda's Blog

Free Social Media Monitoring Tools

I posted a great list of social media monitoring tools at Take Me To Your Leader ... here's an extract.

Brand Overviews

  • HowSociable? - A simple, free, tool that can measure the visibility of your brand on the web across 22 metrics
  • Addict-o-matic - A nice search engine that aggregates rss feeds, allowing you to quickly see the areas where a brand is lacking in presence
  • socialmention - A social media search engine offering searches across individual platforms (eg blogs, microblogs) or all, together with a ’social rank’ score. Whether or not the score is transparent enough to be meaningful is open to debate.

Buzz Tracking

  • Serph - Track buzz in real time
  • Google Trends - shows amount of searches and google news stories
  • Trendpedia - Create charts showing the volume of discussion around multiple topics. Generates cool graphs.
  • BlogPulse Trends - Compare the mentions of specific keywords and phrases in blog posts (LEFT vs. RIGHT)
  • Omgili Charts - Omgili Buzz Graphs let you measure and compare the Buzz of any term. Mostly from review sites/forums.
  • eKstreme - blog data is obtained from Technorati and the social bookmarks come from
Read the full free social media monitoring tools list.

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Thanks for including Social Mention as part of your free SM monitoring tools list. The tools you listed will certainly help people, particularly small business who aren't too familiar with social media or are looking for inexpensive methods to get the job done.
# Posted By Jon | 4/7/09 11:12 PM
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