Rob Gonda's Blog

Google Romance

So, a new site went up this morning, Google Romance! now you can use the search monster to find your beloved one, cuz if you think about it, love is just another search problem.

Nice April Fool's Joke.. I wonder if they'll take it down tomorrow.

It's really amazing how much buzz they can create in a single day.

In Athens for the SEOMUG

I just arrived to Athens, OH... 6h flight + 2h drive ... wow ... it's a nice place.

I'm leaving already for dinner, but tomorrow's conference looks like it's going to be great!

More later.

holly trackbacks batman!

I just realized my blog was spammed with about 300 trackback links. Now I know how Ray or Ben feel and why they complain about it that much.

Google acquires Four Jumping Midgets Inc.

Well, about the biggest thing ever: they've been Googled. That's right, Google Inc. has acquired Four Jumping Midgets Inc.… so you might have just spit your coffee all over your keyboard, or you're rolling your eyes thinking this is another one of my April Fool's jokes. Believe me, they're still having a hard time believing it themselves, but it's real — they are now Google!

Neither can I. As you all know, it's our users who have spread the word and helped build our little idea into what it is today. Jumping Midgets was launched with what Joe refers to as the “Field of Dreams” business plan — build it and they will come. Thank goodness so many of you did! It is a rare and wonderful thing to have a dream, to watch a community develop to support that dream, and to see it eventually take on a life of its own. Users have played a big part in their success, and no one will ever forget that.

This is definitely not the end; this is just the beginning. Stay tuned for the next incredibly exciting chapter. From me personally and from all the midgets here …THANK YOU.

Google has been acquiring like a company a week. This month it was Writely, SketchUp, and Jumping Midgets… I'm working what will they do next? It is an amazing company, completely unpredictable.

leaving for the Real World Ajax Seminar

I'm leaving for the Real World Ajax Seminar until Tuesday, and I don't expect to blog much. If any of you is in the NY area, try to stop by the seminar, as it looks like it's going to be a great event.

I will post my slides here after the presentation.

The seminar will be available at a later date in sys-con TV.

Spring conference 2006: one step closer

I just booked my hotel for the Sping <br /> conference 2006. It's probably the best bang for your buck ever! For $25 you get a full day of four different tracks: Designing & User Experience, Programming &
Development, 3D Gaming, and Adobe & Related Products, including lunch! How can you go wrong? If you're in the South East Ohio area, you CANNOT miss this one.

see you all there.

meet my alter-ego

Bloody iPod: beware of firmware update

A new firmware just came out for the most ipods; I own a 60 gigs one, and I have it almost full... I should rephrase, HAD it almost full. I don't keep all my files in my itunes, so my master copy is actually in my ipod ... some should say dumb, but I chose it that way ... Anyways, I installed the new firmware and it overwrote the setting on auto-sync without prompting me, so next thing I know is that I plug the iPod into my PC, it opens itunes, and wipes my ipod ... how convenient! DAMN YOU APPLE!

I am really glad I bough the CopyPod software and ran it before I ran the update... I have a full copy of my library, which I will start restoring now ... but beware of this issue: I'm not sure how to set it to manual sync before you plug it in, but try, somehow, anyhow, find a way, or you'll loose your library.

Damn, I'm mad ... bloody firmware ...

Web 2.0 site check

I just found this silly judgmental Web 2.0 Validator that rate your site in Web2.0'ness, hehe.... Pluses are using Ruby, Prototype, and including Google Adsense, mentions to and tecnorati ... it's completely pointless, but amusing however ...

Ruby or RoR are not synonymous of Web 2.0, neither are most of the items they point out; getting points for mentioning being on Public Beta and including a Creative Common License, hehe ... some really has too much time on his hands.

Itinerary / Seminars

I will be speaking at the following conferences / seminars this year. I’ll post more information on specific events as we get closer to it. The list may _probably_ grow towards the end of the year.

Feb 23: South Florida ColdFusion Group

Mar 13: First Real World AJAX Seminar (New York)

Mar 22: Southeast Ohio Macromedia User Group Spring Conference

Apr 24: First Real World AJAX Seminar (San Jose)

May 10: The AJAX Experience (San Francisco)

Jun 26: CFUnited

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