Brian pointed me today to mxAjax, yet another ColdFusion Ajax Library. After over a year of hiding in the dark, Arjun, the creator of CFAjax decided to discontinue that framework and start a new project. "It is inspired from CFAjax but is build from grounds up", which actually means that there is a ColdFusion back end for prototype, scriptaculous, and rico front end. It must says, it's nicer than CFAjax, especially because of the similarity to AjaxCFC :) ... it posts to a CFC, that extends a base components that handles some core functionality like complex object translation. It uses the exact same code I do to get metadata from functions and invoke them using argument collection and named arguments.... Well, I chose to license it under Apache 2.0, so what the hell, hehe.
mxAjax uses JSON as the standard complex object notation, and the cfjson udfs to serialize/deserialize. It's only version 1, and I would suggest a couple of improvements like ALWAYS VAR SCOPE, and don't throw unnecessary debugging information in the screen to later reset the content... it's a misuse of resources... in addition, it's forcing to abort the request after the JS is displayed, but what if I had additional cleanups and logging?
anyways, Arjun, great improvement from CFAjax... nicely done ... btw, if you're reading this, please tell us why you chose prototype... I hope it wasn't bcuz of RoR :)