This came up in an entry I blogged the other day: What if (i/we) write a ColdFusion library to interface with the Dojo toolkit? Dojo is the best JavaScript toolkit out there, very complete, and it's only going to get better. They keep adding neat features, and they're the main library to be used for the Open Ajax Initiative, which include IBM, Eclipse, Google, Mozilla, Yahoo, and others. It's actually the only JavaScript library that includes widgets, an ajax engine, low level effects, ... They just added offline storage though the use of the Flash Platform...
So the raw idea is to develop a ColdFusion library to allow developers to easily implement Dojo Widgets and use the Ajax library, which by the way supports cross-domain scripting now ... Dojo supports Ajax calls through the io, rpc, and json classes. Documentation and examples are limited, extremely limited, but the idea is to make the server side communication transparent for the developers, kind of what I did with ajaxCFC.
The Dojo IO class already supports data binding, back button fixes, bookmarking though URL state changes, the form serialization I posted last week, and more...
It would be great if I can manage to distribute this load among a few contributors... this could be huge... the ColdFusion community will love us forever. Think about it, not only for it's Ajax features, with it has an amazing amount of widgets and ui interfaces...