I've been using Flash/SWFObject lately for all my Flash project (a lot!)... SWFObject is an open source JavaScript to embed swfs in html pages... it helps with SEO because it overwrite a standard xhtml DIV, includes option for express install, and most importantly, gets around the new Microsoft facacta. It even loads your swfs when viewing locally in IE, where you usually would get an Active X Alert...
The new release includes the following small changes:
1. [updated] SWFObject.write() now returns true or false depending on whether the SWF content was written to the page or not (true if it is, false if it is not)
2. [changed] The ‘com’ namespace has been removed, now everything lives in the ‘deconcept’ namespace only, instead of ‘com.deconcept’ namespace
3. [updated] I made a couple of very small changes to get rid of warnings in the mozilla script debugger when the debugger was in strict mode
4. added ‘the mark of the web’ to the examples pages to (hopefully) prevent the ActiveX bar from appearing at the top of the page when viewing these files locally in IE on Windows.
5. [changed] And last, but certainly not least: FlashObject is now known as SWFObject because of legal reasons
just blogged about the
Adobe's Official Fix today... SWFObject is as easy to implement, plus it is SEO Friendly, checks for Flash Versions, includes express install ... I would strongly suggest using it instead.
btw Adobe, we're still waiting for a Flash Form / CFChart FIX!